Federal Signal News

PA Court Issues Ruling in Favor of Federal Signal in Firefighter Hearing Loss Case

Written by Admin | Apr 15, 2016 5:00:00 AM

Oak Brook, Illinois, April 15, 2016- Federal Signal Corporation (NYSE: FSS), a leader in environmental and safety solutions, announced today that a Pittsburgh court issued an opinion granting the Company’s motion to dismiss a case filed by seven Pittsburgh firefighter plaintiffs who claimed that the Company’s sirens on their fire trucks caused them hearing loss. Specifically, the court ruled that the plaintiff firefighters had failed to produce evidence of an alternative siren design that “provides as much protection to pedestrians, motorists, and occupants of fire trucks as Federal Signal’s 360 degree (siren) design.”

Daniel A. DuPre’, General Counsel for the Company, stated, “This is another in a series of favorable rulings in the hearing loss cases filed against the Company. These results are an affirmation of the importance of our siren products, which are vital safety products not only for the public, but for firefighters themselves.”

Jennifer Sherman, Chief Executive Officer for the Company, stated, “We are pleased that the court ruled in favor of Federal Signal. We believe strongly in our life-saving siren products, and we will continue to defend them aggressively.”

View the complete release